Waiting on God is sometimes the hardest part…

Trust me, I know… But there is strengthening in the waiting period. Trust God without any boundaries or hesitation. The process produces perseverance and brings you to a place where you’re at your fullest potential. It’s difficult but this is the most important transition of your life. When you are in a season of hopelessness, if you hold on, supernaturally you’ll arrive to your season of prosperity. You have to go through some things to arrive at that place that God specifically designed for you. Don’t move too fast or get ahead of God, TRUST His plan! Ignore the distractions, ignore the negativity and get to a quiet place and God will bring you restoration! Don’t forget, He is your Rear Guard, your Redeemer!!
I can’t just talk about design & baby concierge without talking about Who and why I exist!
I woke up today with this message in my heart and I wanted to share it with you. Somebody out there must need it…

God bless you!

