Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’ve been extremely busy with work and family. Most days I give myself time for a devotional and afterwards I journal to keep record of my experiences. The journal entry that I wrote a few days ago was meant for my eyes only but it’s been pressing on my heart to share with you.

Do you have a dream? Can’t we all relate to being exhausted at pursuing something that God has put on our heart? I feel it’s human nature to doubt at times and this week I had one of those days. Thankfully it quickly passed, but if this blog is meant to be about “All Things Baby” then it’s only appropriate to talk about that “baby” we all have… That deep rooted dream within our soul that we’re pushing to give birth to and share with the world! I hope this encourages you to KEEP PUSHING and to NOT GIVE UP!!

Journal Entry from October 08, 2013 (Unedited) 

“So this is what it feels like right before your huge breakthrough and blessing. This is what all the Greats of our past and present must have felt. You feel disappointed, you feel deceived and you want to give up. The point that you question everything that you’ve done and are doing. The point that you start considering other options, different directions.. Wondering what made you select the road less traveled in the first place.
That voice that says you’ve Been turned down and rejected and it’s only a pipe dream.  
So….I too feel all those things… I AM at the point that even though all those things run through my mind there’s still a relentless drive that says to believe, to have faith, and to keep going. 
The stronger voice of the Holy Spirit that says I have the power to call things that be not as though they are. That supernatural power that makes me feel like I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.

Today I have lots of emotions but the strongest one that continues to win the battle of the mind in the midst of the confusion Screams one of HOPE!!! Plans to be prosperous and unharmed, plans of hope and future! So I will continue to stand strong and be courageous. I will not be afraid or discouraged for I stand ONLY on the promises of God and not of mans… #undaunted #intrepid” 

Please share with me your DREAMS and how you’re encouraged to keep going.

Wishing you all the BEST!

