Can you believe the holidays are almost here? Hasn’t the year just flown by? I know we live busy lives and unintentionally we get so caught up in our day-to-day that we don’t stop to serve or give back. At times, I think it’s that we don’t realize our gifts and the potential we have to bless others with them. Maybe, it’s just as simple as not knowing how to get plugged in and connected to a group of people that can use your time, talents and treasures. If that’s the case, I hope one of the organizations below will spark your interest and encourage you to reach out to them. I look forward to getting more involved in the future with each of them and seeing how God will use my gifts to bless these organizations.

Over the last few weeks I have attended several philanthropic or charity events. I want to share with you the ones that greatly spoke to my heart. The holidays are quickly approaching and this is a great time to give and share with others.

The Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research Program 

The Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research Program raises vital funds to support early stage pediatric cancer research at the Bogart laboratories located at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. These funds are matched many times over by government and private dollars to allow the maximum support for this important research. The Bogart Program is dedicated to supporting “bench to bedside” research to find cures and treatments for these diseases and to enhancing the quality of life of the children who survive them.

The Westside Pregnancy Clinic (WPC)

The Westside Pregnancy Clinic (WPC) was established in 1977 as a counseling and support center with the purpose of bringing resources to those wanting to make informed decisions regarding unexpected pregnancies. While this mission has remained the same, the center has evolved in many ways. Most recently, the WPC converted to a licensed medical clinic in 2004, offering medical services to our clients.

ACT Today! (Introduced to me at the Denim & Diamonds Fundraising Event)

ACT Today! stands for Autism Care and Treatment Today! Mission is to raise awareness and provide treatment services and support to families to help their children with autism achieve their full potential. Our goal is to introduce and help facilitate early and on-going treatment by providing the necessary resources (including referrals, funding and guidance) to individuals with autism and their families. Studies demonstrate that early and intense intervention is important when treating individuals with autism, yet sadly very few of the effective treatments are covered by medical insurance and families are often delegated to piece together a treatment program for their child via multiple funding sources. Often, the child with autism must go without vital interventions due to financial restraints. ACT Today! strives to provide necessary services so that each child with autism can reach his or her highest potential.

Lastly, there are two other non-profits that would love your help & contributions before Christmas. A simple donation of a toy would bless them tremendously! Hope Gardens & Rays of Light !

I’ll share fun pictures that I took at these events in my next blog. I didn’t want to take away from the importance of these causes. I’ll end this blog with a scripture that speaks to me about service.

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. (NIV, Romans 12:6-8)

Spread your love, it’s your greatest gift!

Shalena xo

