As this year comes to an end, I hope that you use the next 24 hours to reflect on all your blessings of the past. Good or bad, God brought you to it and got you through it! This year we have grown and developed into the people we are today and for that we should give Him praise! Looking back, I see why God chose me to carry certain burdens and I thank Him for that. Looking forward, I can see that He’s entrusted me with a platform to continue to carry out the assignments He has given me.

What are you thankful for?

As I pray, I can’t even think about moving forward without searching my heart and I ask you to do the same. There’s a scripture, Proverbs 23:7, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” that comes to mind. This next year don’t just be the person you proclaim to be with your lips but actually have a change of heart that will come out through your actions. I searched my heart and I found unforgiveness and so I addressed that immediately… just last night! I also have a heart that wants to live a life without fear, serving and loving others as much as I can.

What’s in your heart?

I now feel prepared and ready for what’s to come this next year! I am stronger, I am wiser, and I am loved immensely by a God who is for me! Read that one more time because I wrote it for your spirit to receive too! 🙂

Happy New Year everyone! From my the bottom of my heart I wish you good health, love, prosperity, peace and joy every single day!!!


